St. Joseph Catholic High School Visit

I visited St. Joe's Catholic High School yesterday and spoke with students there. I'm always excited to talk with the next generation of our community and hear about their hopes and dreams...

Grande Prairie Boys Choir

Michelle and I were blessed to attend the Grande Prairie Boy's Choir performance tonight. We are always blown away by their incredible talent and tonight was no exception.

La Crete School Visit

I had a great visit with Grade 6 students in La Crete last Wednesday. It's always great to hear from the next generation of the Peace Country and to share about what...

2016 Rising Above Banquet

Michelle and I were pleased to join hundreds of local residents at the annual Rising Above fundraising banquet Saturday evvening. It is incredible to hear the stories from those who have...

Canopy West Fort McMurray Fundraiser

Today I had the easy job. All I had to do what throw the ball, Andrew from the Wembley Fire Department did the hard work of getting dunked! I was...

Afghanistan Monument Fundraiser

We can never forget the sacrifices of those who have given their lives in the service of our country. I was pleased to be a part of the inaugural fundraising/awareness...

Spirit River Centennial Parade

I had a fantastic time at the Spirit River, Alberta Centennial Parade last weekend! Thanks to everyone for coming and celebrating with us!

2016 Conservative Agriculture Tour – Stop #2

It was great to tour family owned feedlot operations in southern Alberta with Craig Paskal and John Schooten. Theses families have been leaders in the industry that forms such an...