2017 Farm Family Banquet

I was proud to pay tribute to County of Grande Prairie, Farm Family of the Year. For five generations the Eady family has farmed in the county and contributed to...

Savannah School Visit

Thanks to Savanna School for hosting me this morning! It was great to talk with the students and share about my work as their Member of Parliament. More importantly, I...

Rising Above – Hope Lives Banquet

The folks at the Rising Above Ministry,Grande Prairie are doing incredible work to help people overcome addiction. I was very pleased to celebrate their 10th anniversary with them and help...

GPVSB Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

Very pleased to celebrate the work of the folks at the Grande Prairie Volunteer Services Bureau at their annual volunteer appreciation luncheon. They also celebrated their 'Leaders of Tomorrow' recipients.

Hythe Annual Volunteer Pancake Supper

It was great to attend the Hythe Annual Volunteer Pancake Supper. Thanks to all the volunteers that make our communities incredible places to live! Pictured with members of the town...

Clear Hills County Meeting

The Councillors of Clear Hills are a hard working group committed to serving the resident's of Clear Hills! I enjoyed spending some time hearing their concerns as well as about...