2016 Rising Above Banquet

Michelle and I were pleased to join hundreds of local residents at the annual Rising Above fundraising banquet Saturday evvening. It is incredible to hear the stories from those who have...

Afghanistan Monument Fundraiser

We can never forget the sacrifices of those who have given their lives in the service of our country. I was pleased to be a part of the inaugural fundraising/awareness...

Spirit River Centennial Parade

I had a fantastic time at the Spirit River, Alberta Centennial Parade last weekend! Thanks to everyone for coming and celebrating with us!

2016 Conservative Agriculture Tour – Stop #4

Agriculture is an innovative industry. At Enterra Feed Corporation, they're using food waste to grow fly larvae that is turned into animal feed ingredients. This reduces waste that would be...

2016 Conservative Agriculture Tour – Stop #5

Visited the UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre in beautiful Agassiz, BC with my colleague Mark Strahl, MP. These folks are on the cutting edge of dairy research and development...

Peace Country Remembers

Thank you to our Veterans and for all who came out and honoured their sacrifice on Remembrance Day in Grande Prairie and across the Peace Country.

Annual STARS Lottery Launch

Today I was pleased to attend the Annual STARS Lottery Launch. I am thankful that our region supports this worthy cause.