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By November 30, 2016December 6th, 2016No Comments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa – November 30, 2016

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has rejected TransCanada’s Northern Gateway pipeline project, a proposal to transport oil from Alberta to British Columbia’s northern coast. The $7.9-billion dollar project would have expanded access to international energy markets and created thousands of jobs in Western Canada. In rejecting this project, Liberals have shut down any hopes of new pipelines being built in Western Canada.

Chris Warkentin, Member of Parliament for Grande Prairie–Mackenzie, expressed great concern with this betrayal for Alberta. “With this decision, Justin Trudeau has killed opportunities and prosperity for Alberta families,” Warkentin said. “The approval of this pipeline was an important opportunity for new projects that would create jobs are for Albertans. People in the Peace Country need jobs. The rejection of this project is the betrayal to hopeful Albertans.”

The decision to reject Northern Gateway follows a total ban of oil tankers on British Columbia’s northern coast that will stop any company from building a new pipeline to a port in the future. The Liberal government has also indicated that they no longer see the construction of Keystone XL as a necessity, a project that would expand Canada’s access to the United States.

“The Liberals have killed the Northern Gateway pipeline, abandoned the fight for Keystone XL, and created delays for other proposed pipeline projects,” Warkentin said. “The Liberals have decided to say no to new projects rather than supporting new export opportunities. These decisions will result in the loss of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic opportunities.”

“The rejection of the Northern Gateway pipeline will hurt families in the Peace Country. This will mean that more families will go without work,” Warkentin continued. “This decision will negatively impact folks in the Peace Country for decades to come.”

On Tuesday, the Liberals also announced that they may allow enhancement to the existing Kinder Morgan and Line Three pipelines. These tentative approvals are subject to a total of 246 conditions. Warkentin expressed concern that these enhancements may never happen if the Liberals create additional delays. “We are hopeful that these projects will proceed, but with continued delays and uncertainty in investment we may never see these projects move forward,” said Warkentin. “Now the hard work of building these projects starts. I am hoping that the Liberals will champion the building of these projects. Approving these projects is one thing… getting them built is another.”

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